Dragons Den (University edition)
yesterday was the day that people that wanted to produce the music video pitch to charlie. After the pitches, charlie is now currently deciding what what ideas he hopefully liked and will then contact us on his decision.
my idea was based on the "take on me" and Bruno mars "the way you are" videos on their hand drawn and black/white aesthetic. the video starts in a hotel room in which we zoom into a picture of new York, which begins to move (which is actual footage of new York with an effect look hand drawn) in which a crow fly into the scene. after passing some famous landmarks, it finally rests on a banister on a balcony as a guitarist begins to play the song, as the chorus kicks in and the crow flies around the hotel and we see various people homaging famous residents from the hotel.
other pitches including an animated section on par with a Monty python introduction, which would be done by one person, another pitch involves use of red lighting and dark shadows giving the video a noire like mood. Eventually charlie will have to choose out of these ideas to comeback with a working script.