keep bleeding
now with the role of editor for nathans production of "bleed" i've been told over the holidays to check our westerns and other films relating to the genere to get knowlage of how to edit such projects. from the films, tv shows i have seen and the storyboard and script we have. i now feel like i have a grasp of what i need to edit this project.
one of the directors influenses for the film is Marvels "Logan" and as some plot lines somwehat match, aswell as the tone. for example the main character of bleed is mortally wounded and is clingling to dear life, much like logan in the film as he ages and his powers begin to fade. another main point of influence is also its location, as most locations in logan is set in abandoned, desolate areas such as deserts and abandoned buildings, with very few characters, much like how bleed is mainly set in a derrelect bus shed. The poster for the film itself is what has inspired me to want to do a test shoot (aswell as a shot from star wars: the force awakens) as the sun is setting on our character, which could be a metaphor for the end of a story or the death of a character.

in contrast to this, rising sunrises could insinute rebirth or a dawn of a new era. films such as the "good, the bad and the ugly" i've noticed use music to highten the tension in the moment of the film and are also used sparingly. for example in the scene in which the three charcters are at the final stand off, music is used to first build up the tension in the scene, but once the music stops and the action happens, the scene is still tense and also lets the moment that occoured sink in to the audience.
finally, although it is not a western style of show, i beleive this scene can be major influence that can help in the filming and editing depeartment is a scene from Breaking bad, in which walter is rolling a barrell across the desert, with a varying mix of close up shots long shots and camera techniques to get an idea of distance travelled.