Production edit diary: First assembly and rough edit
Now with the shoots done, its my turn to get busy, as its time to edit the final project. the first steps to editing the piece is more or less cleaning out the garbage, thanks to the production logs supplied by hannah and has, i was able to immedietly see what shots were the best to keep and what to discard. once the shots were sorted, the clips were seperated into three bins so i am not constanly looking into a large list of clips, named "beach shoot, old man shoot and mother shoot"

with the necesarry clips now added it was then time to begin creating a rough edit. with the aid of the director the clips were arranged in a basic order in which follows his original storyboard.

during this process however, i did notice a ever growing issue with our fottage, although the shots were filmed well, the sound in the sound stage is very bad, meaning ill have to clean it up once i begin modyfying the footage.