Getting Down And Dirty
The beginning of the first term of the year can be a big thing, others are being introduced to new methods of learning, expanding knowledge and making new friends. We on the other hand were tasked with cleaning a bird infested set.

At the start of the year i was asked to take part in helping another group improving the previous years project "A Good One". during that time i was part of the group filming the project "Bleed".
the film first needed some re shoots as some scenes did not work as well, as well as sound issues with birds and the acoustics of the set, but leaving a set for 4 months with a bunch of nesting pigeons isn't a good idea. after looking at the set it was decided that we would come in on Monday to clean the set so it can be set up ready to shoot.

The next day, so we all bought protective overalls and gloves as its A highly risky health and safety hazard. although it took quite a while, we had managed to remove a majority of the dirt dust and droppings from the set. Although it wasn't a pleasant experience it was a good lesson in the possibility of things messing up during a project, meaning to find various solutions.