The Mothman Cometh
For Live 2 i have felt that instead of going all out with bombastic extravagant projects, with large creatures and parasitic aliens from venus i decided to try and create something a bit more subtle and tap into a more niche subject to base my idea on. Cryptozoology

cryptozoology is the study of animals with very questionable existences. What stands out from these animals is the way that they were allegedly discovered, mainly through cameras or blurry photographs, so the depiction of these creatures are wildly tied to other people's imagination to help fill in the gaps. My interest in cryptozoology came from the card game "Yu-Gi-Oh!" with a group of cards named "Danger!" based on a variety of cryptids such as the bigfoot, loch ness monster, the jackalope and the creature i've based my project on; the Mothman.

The Mothman was allegedly sighted by five workers digging a grave who described it as a "large flying man with ten foot wings". another sighting described it as a " large bird with red eyes". the main details that come about this creature are its eyes, such as when someone else described how its eyes glowed "like bicycle reflectors". Even the yugioh card based on the creature is a silhouette of the beast with the main aspect being its red eyes.
My main challenge with this project is to find a more creative and visually different to what i have usally planned in the past such as stop motion animation and people in suits.My second challenge if my project does end up getting chosen i would need a film festival to show my project. so with that being said i had discovered the perfect festival to present my ides: The Loch Ness Film Festival.

based in scotland with the deadline being may 1sts (perfect for our module deadline) the loch ness film festival can host an abundance of film genres, mainly for me being horror. what is also amusing is that my project being based on a cryptid whilst also being hosted by a film festival which also based on the location of the loch ness monster, another cryptid.