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From The first meeting with the Level 6's of what is the main ideas of the project is, and talking to Danny about some various ideas, a somewhat important detail was addressed for the main character, equipped in his eye was a scanner like tool that helps scan the area of the user to help them get to grips with the timezone the person is in. Included with this tech is a A.I that helps him out when needing someone to talk to in various situations. The H.U.D (or heads up display) will be what the main character would see, wih various info showing him the time period hes in, the history of tech in that era and the history of the people he interacts with, so i decided that the first thing to design would be the H.U.D.

I first started looking in to various H.U.D's from different science fiction films such as Terminator (1984) in which from the terminators perspective, is a dark red and white tint to his visuals with his scanner translating writing or even choosing what words he will say to others.
The problem with the terminators HUD is that it's too dark and very busy especially how it is used, such as with moving grids and words zooming into the face.
Going to another film being Robocop (1987) Their version is very minimalistic with a TV looking Overlay and less info than terminators, showing only his directive or when targeting a specific place when shooting.

Moving to a different medium being games, some HUD represent the armor that the character would wear. take for example a spartans helmet from the Halo franchise showing a minimap/radar and the inventory. Another franchise that has two forms of hud being Fallout 4 when wearing any type of power armor showing tha armors condition, the health, geiger counter, a map at the bottom showing landmarks, the amount of fuel left and the amount of ammunition the wearer has left.

what's quite special about fallout is the Vault-tec Assisted Targeting System (or VATS for short) is a tool used to help shoot specific body parts of an enemy.
From these examples i have decided to mock a HUD up in a "scanning mode". my plan is to have multiple targets showing each objects history and possible targets. The plan is to create the mock through photoshop and to show to the director and then try and replicate the mock through after effects.