Teacher Central : The Shakedown
yesterday was a major shakeup for the production as we all sat down with hutch. production for teacher central has been a bit rocky with some friction with the director/producer which made the project suffer.
due to this it was decided that instead of having our director/producer having creative control over this project, but that decisions would be democratically decided amongst the rest of the group. so we ultimately decided to rehaul the entire project and start from scratch. going back to a few meetings ago svea came up with an idea with shaping the project around with video games, as it would be a visually challenging challenge while also fitting into a demographic. From this i felt like i could actually input in this idea as i could become creatively inspired to input with the original idea, so basing it on a video game meant i could look into Role playing games (RPG) such as the Fallout series and The elder scrolls and implement stereotypical game mechanics into the project.

For example In the fallout series we've decided to implement the character creating for the beginning as a way for students to explain creating characters for a story. And to give a character dimension i also looked into the traits in the game strength, Perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, agility and luck, or abbreviated spells S.P.E.C.I.A.L and its been used to help create characters in the many fallout games.
With the project back on track i feel like the rest of the group feel more committed now since it is now a joint effort instead of having the project dictated by one person.