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Minor expereiment: editing conundrums and lighthouse problems
today may have possibly be the worst situation i could possibly be in during the editing process, as due to various situations that were...

Minor research: cleaning up plates
One important factor i neede to know about merging stop motion animation together was the actual method that was done to create the...

Minor experiment: mini ocean 2: the implimentation of tokusatsu
expanding from my past experimentation with my mini ocean tests, i decided to use my extra time booked out for the tv studio to fully...

Minor experiment: mini ocean
one of the ways of selling the idea of a sea creature rising from the ocean, i decided to look into how it is possible to do it in a...

Minor Research/experiment: green screen setups.
Today i had decided to look into the methods of correctly lighting a green screen for use in stop motion/ live action footage whilst also...

Minor Reasearch: The math of stopmotion animation
One main issue i have when it comes to this project is the actual length of the animated sections in the final scene, what would be a...

Minor research: Eiji Tsuburaya
with the dawn of stop motion animation starting with Willis O' Brien with King Kong (1933) inspiring a young ray harryhausen, anonther...

Minor Research: Ray Harryhausen
with my minor project focused on the mixing of live action, i have decided to base my methods on stop-motion pioneer ray harryhausen....

Creating a monster part 2: Spooky Scary Skeletons
Today marks the start of the creation of the "Blackout" creature dubbed "Nessie". With the arrival of a majority of my tools and...

Creating a monster Part 1: sizeable Beginnings
Today i had began the creation of my creature for my Final Major Project known as "Blackout". the project heavily focuses on stop-motion...
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