Creating a monster Part 1: sizeable Beginnings
Today i had began the creation of my creature for my Final Major Project known as "Blackout". the project heavily focuses on stop-motion elements to help bring the larger than life effects alive, starting with the creature itself. The narrative of my project focuses on an event known as the "Blackout" in which a military curfew forces the local marine town into a darkened state to drive off an ancient sea creature awakened by unknown means. During one of its first breaches however, it destroys the life of a fisherman. Now hell bent on revenge he will stop at nothing to kill it.
My narrative is somewhat similar to Herman Melville's novel Moby Dick in which a captain of a whaler seeks revenge against a large whale who had taken his leg. I, however had decided to make a more modern take on the story by implementing my own take on the story and influences, that being cryptozoology and the kaiju genre of films.

my first idea based on a cryptid was called the "Night Lights" was centered around the elucid Mothman, however the pitch had failed as i was unable to show how to create the creature effects to the people i was pitching to, this time i have decided to base my creature on the legendary loch-ness monster (pictured above) and have decided to bring my kaijufied cryptid through stop motion animated. Unlike my previous idea in which i only showed a small piece of what the mothman could be, but this time i will be creating the entire creature and will be documenting the build and influences over the summer.