Production Diary Adam Mclean
Even Though We had Wrapped up my Shooting for the "Me, Myself And I" project, we then immediately began working on Adam McLean Shoot. This time, I was a Sound Operator, whilst Nathan was a cam op and Craig was runner. And of course Adam McLean was acting in his own piece.

Instead of setting up to film however, we set up in one of the small editing rooms to record a narrator for Adam's piece. Because we have not been told how use the audio recording equipment so we attached the microphone to the camera and recorded his dialogue. If we haven't been taught to use the the equipment by the time i record my own Foley, this may be the method i may have to use.

Once we had recorded the dialogue, Nathan Drove to our location of choice, a small enclosed street. When it came to sound, i did come into some problems, even though the weather was not as bad as Craig shoot, however the wind did pick up quite a bit, making recording sound a bit of a hassle.
In some scenes, both me and Nathan had to run after Adam making sure that the microphone was not in shot then while running not making sounds while running and avoiding ice and puddles so that we don't trip, make noise and/or damage the equipment.

Overall, this was actually a short shoot, as the scenes shot were mostly wide shots and the odd tracking shot. This was also my official time as a sound op for an actual module (unless you count the shoot for hutch) and i feel i did a good job, considering the running and tracking i did. I even found out a method to now record my Foley for my project