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Ye ol Gothic editing part 3: The Davinci Code
finally after waiting with anticipation, we have finally gotten our footage back from being processed, and i can say that the footage...

Ye Old Gothic editing part 2: A series of fortunate events
yesterday, before the shoot we been given the news that our main actor for Sweeney Todd meaning we were in a huge problem for the crew,...

Builders On Set Part 2: Location recce
upon beginning this project i knew for a fact that one major concern for it would be the location, mainly the hospital setting as we have...

Production diary part 4: Editing
My final step to completing my "Me Myself And I" is to edit the actual footage and Foley audio together to create "Make Fun Not Work"....

AVC (Easy as 123)
Since i started university, I've been getting used to the different types of equipment that I've been using for my tasks and my "Me,...

Production Diary: Adam's Shoot Part 2
Friday's Shoot was a massive improvement compared to the 1st shoot as i managed to fill out a risk assessment successfully and handed in...

Goofing Around With The Evil Dead
Like i've said before "On The Devils Time" was too ambitious of a project to make. The main reason for this is because i had planned to...

Production Diary Adam Mclean
Even Though We had Wrapped up my Shooting for the "Me, Myself And I" project, we then immediately began working on Adam McLean Shoot....

Production Diary: Nathans Shoot
Today we shot/crewed for Nathan Wood's "Me Myself And I" module. Much like my project, we filmed at the seminar room. For This project i...

The Winds Of Change
with the deadline approaching and the animation being the only part holding me back, i have had do re haul my idea for the "Me Myself...
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