Production diary part 4: Editing
My final step to completing my "Me Myself And I" is to edit the actual footage and Foley audio together to create "Make Fun Not Work".
First step for editing is making a rough edit of the piece, mainly for the Foley work. By cutting the footage to what i want, i now had a point of reference for voice and effect recording. However i then came to an issue where my footage went over three minutes, meaning i had to remove my entire ending. to make sure that i actually had an ending, there's a scene in the piece in which I (Adam) Punches the camera, cutting the scene abruptly. cutting to this point allows me to also edit in titles and credits, making the entire piece running up to 2:39

With the video fully cut and edited in the order i wanted, i decided to begin editing the ascetics of the piece. My reasons for going with black and white with a grain effect is mainly because a majority of Fleischer cartoons in the 30s were in black and white, so i feel like this replicates the mood and style of said cartoons. The film grain effect also helps with that feel, giving a worn an aged motif.

Another video editing effect i messed around with was the speed boost. To give the skeleton fights a more darker, unnatural, and comedic look to them. The main reason for this to give the skeleton some weight but for for influence from the various Evil Dead films to help replicate the more action packed/ comedic moments of the series. With the actual video finally edited to how i wanted it, i could now add my Titles and credits. Much like cartoons such as Betty Boop's title card had the copyright details (such as the year and the publishers) at the first title, so i had my opening title display a fake year (1936(2017)) a small "By Adam Sirrell" Under the title, and the publishers name "A MAD.AD.CO Presentation" at the bottom right.
The final thing to edit was the sound itself. before i began to fully edit the sound, the rough edit was used as point of reference to record the foley sound, then the audio from the actual clips were removed once the foley was implemented into the video. To get the audio to sound more older, i added a telephone overlay and increased the gain of the sound. One struggle i had once all of that was added was the fact that it was just too dull when it comes to music. My original idea was to use music from public domain Fleischer cartoons, however i did not realise the songs themselves were copy written such as Cab Calloway's "Minnie The Moocher". I did however find an alternative, using YouTube's free audio library service, i managed to find stereotypical sounding track that fitted the classic feel i was aiming for.
With my Piece finally edited, i can now look forward to Thursday as all of our projects are being screened and then celebrate this module being done with.....or take a really big nap