Ye ol Gothic editing part 3: The Davinci Code
finally after waiting with anticipation, we have finally gotten our footage back from being processed, and i can say that the footage came back successfully with no problems or damage which is definitely good for me to edit, but this time with a twist. This time two editors were used to make this project so we decided to split responsibilities, Nathan would do the sequencing and i would take over the colour grading and correcting. The reason for this is to decipher who edited what in the project and i wanted to expand my knowledge of colour correcting and grading through davinci resolve as i did not use it in the previous major project "Bleed".
After Nathan had finished the sequencing and sound syncing, he exported the project as an AAF file and then was then imported into resolve. From here i decided not to go through with the round trip method of exporting the project as i found it too difficult to do.
I am pleased to say that my time with wix was quite enjoyable as i was also given a guide in which it showed some more of the obscure tools you can use, aswell as how to white balance.

From the guide i learned a very helpful tip that you could grab a still that you can work on and store it in a media pool, once you do that you can move on to another shot then go back to the grabbed still, then right click on the still and then click on add correction. This made the edit much easier as i had used the first shot to create an old looking Victorian style colour grade and could easily implement the edit to the other shots, however because of some lighting changes in different shots i still had to tweak them,
Overall im glad i managed to learn resolve at this point in the course as i can now help others with their future projects