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Creating a monster part 2: Spooky Scary Skeletons
Today marks the start of the creation of the "Blackout" creature dubbed "Nessie". With the arrival of a majority of my tools and...

Creating a monster Part 1: sizeable Beginnings
Today i had began the creation of my creature for my Final Major Project known as "Blackout". the project heavily focuses on stop-motion...

Production Diary 5: Killing Time: Continuity Conundrums
After the news of finding out i now must edit all footage that have completed scenes creating some difficulties, i have discovered a few...
production diary 4: Killing time: Time begins to stop
Editing for killing time has came to a defiant stop as many issues with both the footage, paperwork and communication with the director....

production diary. killing time 3: Thinking with Portals
with how the project is coming along i had decided to use this time to look into the meat of what the project will be centred around;...

Killing time production diary 2 Mortal kombat
coming back from the easter holiday had resfreshed my mind on the project which had allowed me to take another look at the fighting...
production diary 1. Killing time: All The Time In the World
Today i decided to start the editing process for killing time as both teacher central and Poppy's Cafe starting to enter the halfway...
My first (And probably only) response
After many weeks on worrying about getting no responses from my survey, i finally got my first response in the form of a previous guest...
Freelance vs in-house
When beginning in the industry i learned that there are two main routes that one can take when being an editor. For starters we have a...

Production diary 2: Poppy's dungeon for sacrifices
Today's shoot i've been looking forward to as we get to film in the universities basements where the scenes in which benji is sacrificed...
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