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There Will Be Blood
over this weekend i had been tasked with making the blood for our bleeding man as i had previous experience making stage makup in my...

The good the bad and the plain weird responses
With my survey completed through survey monkey, as i stated in my presentation, i decided to upload my survey to a community page on...

keep bleeding
now with the role of editor for nathans production of "bleed" i've been told over the holidays to check our westerns and other films...
Research: The role of an editor/Producer
being that editing is one of the job roles im more interested in, i decided to look more in depth at what an editor does and what they're...

production diary: behind these edited walls
by far, my favourite aspect of this project has to go to editing the project. to sync the actual track to the lyrics, i first of all...

Production diary: crows and hotels
with the hotel paid for on Wednesday, it was now finally time to shot the music video after countless emails, changes and set issues, we...

A mock and a hard place
on the 16th we had finally found a hotel to allow us to film at one of there rooms, however, we had a small issue of them wanting us to...
production meeting 2: development and issues
today's meeting was rather worrying for me as our animator did not turn up for our meeting, meaning we would have to consider condensing...
production meeting 1: blocking and planning
yesterday was our first production meeting after pitching and receiving his script. unfortunately the script was more of a"to do list"...
Dragons Den (University edition)
yesterday was the day that people that wanted to produce the music video pitch to charlie. After the pitches, charlie is now currently...
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